Partner with us to reach our goal of $160,000

NEW DOnor benefits

CONDUCTOR’S CIRCLE ($5,000 and above):

  • Private Conductor Circle Dinner with Maestro James Blachly

  • Backstage Champagne Toast with Maestro James Blachly for 2 guests

  • Private rehearsal experience for 4 guests

  • Recognition on Digital Screens at Concerts

  • Recognition on the website

  • Invitations to exclusive pre-concert socials

  • 20% off all single ticket purchase

  • Recognition in Season 94 and Season 95 program books

ORCHESTRA CIRCLE ($ 2,000 to 4,999):

  • Private rehearsal experience for 2 guests

  • Invitations to exclusive pre-concert socials

  • 10% off all single ticket purchase

  • Recognition on the website

  • Recognition in Season 94 and Season 95 program books

BENEFACTOR ($1,000-1,999):

  • Invitations to pre-concert socials

  • 50% off 2 single tickets

  • Recognition on the website

  • Recognition in Season 94 and Season 95 program books

PATRON ($500-999):

  • Invitations to pre-concert socials

  • 20% off 2 single tickets

  • Recognition on the website

  • Recognition in Season 94 and Season 95 program books

CONTRIBUTOR ($100-499):

  • 10% off 2 single tickets

  • Recognition on the website

  • Recognition in Season 94 and Season 95 program books

Your Gift Supports...

The Johnstown Symphony Orchestra’s Annual Fund Drive provides crucial operating support to ensure the sustenance of the organization during a time of need. As with symphony orchestras nationwide, the price of a concert ticket covers only a fraction of the expenses required to put on concerts, sustain educational programming, and serve the community through the many avenues music provides for growth, learning, fulfillment, and community pride.

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Led by campaign co-chairs Karen Azer, JSO Board of Trustees, and Edward Sheehan, Jr., President and CEO of Concurrent Technologies Corporation, the campaign had its public launch with more than $40,000 in personal pledges by the JSO Board of Trustees and Advisors, and $10,000 additional from Concurrent Technologies Corporation.

The Johnstown Symphony Orchestra’s diverse programming ranging from traditional concerts to digital series, to education, engagement, and more! We encourage you to explore the pages on our website for more information about each of these initiatives!

Music Director James Blachly leads the artistic vision with creativity and continued connection to the needs of our community, with a goal to increase access to music for all and ensure excellence and excitement are part of every experience.

In addition to our subscription series concerts at the Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center, we serve the region through:

Education Programs

Community Programs