Valerie Galczynski Headshot.jpeg

Inclined to Sing

The children’s chorus of the JSO, now celebrating twenty- one years!

Valerie E. Galczynski, Director

Read her bio here

Questions? Email Mrs. G here!

For children who choose singing as their form of expression, we offer our youth chorus, Inclined to Sing, for ages 5-15.  Now celebrating its twentieth year, Inclined to Sing provides children with a comprehensive musical experience and the opportunity to sing with the orchestra as well as at community events such as Tomahawks games and the annual tree-lighting in Central Park.  

Join us!

Come to our next rehearsal to experience the joy of music-making together! 

Rehearsals are held at the Music Room of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church

1000 Scalp Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15904

Use the Music Room Entrance at the back of the church, where there is additional parking.

Participants and parents are required to wear masks when attending rehearsals.

First Rehearsal by Semester, Fall and Spring

To participate, fill out the form below!

Tuition for Inclined to Sing is just $50 per semester, for a total of $100 for the full year.

The History of Inclined to Sing

Founded by Kim Rauch and Directed by Valerie E. Galczynski

For the past two decades, Inclined to Sing has offered Johnstown-area children the extraordinary opportunity to learn, sing, and perform music from around the world and throughout history.  The genesis of the chorus arose after Kim Rauch and Andrea Mulligan attended the summer 2000 American Choral Directors Association of PA conference at Penn State – an event focused on children’s choirs.  Kim and Andrea were already impacting children’s lives by teaching music in the public school system, but they wanted to provide area children a greater opportunity to make music through singing. 

The question Rauch and Mulligan asked was “Why doesn’t a city the size of Johnstown have a children’s chorus?”  Johnstown already had a respected and well-supported symphony orchestra with a symphony chorus for adults, as well as a youth orchestra.   Work began on creating a children’s chorus that would extend the vocal musical experience beyond the school programs and include home-schooled children. 

As Kim Rauch, his wife Mary Beth, and Andrea Mulligan were all strong advocates of young people, the idea of a children’s chorus needed an umbrella non-profit organization for support.  Kim, who was directing the Johnstown Symphony Orchestra Chorus at this time, approached Maestro Istvan Jaray and the JSO Board. He requested that the JSO expand its outreach to include a children’s chorus, and the JSO agreed to provide office services, printing, and mailing. 

The newly formed chorus was to provide a child-centered, exciting, and fun experience for children in elementary school through junior high.  Singers’ musical ability and understanding would be improved by a variety of high quality, challenging music.  Kim Rauch would serve as director, Andrea Mulligan as accompanist, and Mary Beth Rauch as choir manager.  Kim would follow much of the philosophy of his graduate school mentor, Helen Kemp, who was a children’s choir specialist and a founding member of Choristers Guild. 

Within a few years, Inclined to Sing was musically robust enough to split into two age-appropriate choirs.  Younger singers would begin in The Apprentice Choir and older, more experienced singers would continue in Inclined to Sing.  The two-choir approach also allowed advanced or novice singers to participate at a level of challenge tailored to their growing skill. 

The Apprentice Choir focuses on fun singing, game songs, moving to music, and singing basics.  These youngsters build their voices and music skills as they sing rounds and partner songs.  Their concert music is usually memorized. 

Inclined to Sing prepares advanced concert music.  The singers develop skills in vocal technique, music reading, and singing with expression.  Both ensembles frequently sing in foreign languages and perform music from various historical periods, styles, and cultures. 

One of the first important engagements was performing for the Children’s Hospice International Conference held at the UPJ Conference Center. Chairwoman Joyce Murtha hosted the conference that welcomed attendees from around the globe.  The Inclined to Sing concert was one of the highlights of the event. 

In 2011, Inclined to Sing was honored to participate at the Flight 93 Tenth Anniversary memorial ceremony.  The chorus sang the National Anthem and “A Song of Peace” for an audience of families and dignitaries, and appeared briefly on national television.  Although many of the singers were not yet school age during September 11, 2001, they strengthened the solemnity of the memorial with a mature, meaningful performance. 

Inclined to Sing and The Apprentice Choir enjoy sharing their music with the city of Johnstown.  In addition to their spring and fall concerts, the singers have sung the National Anthem for hockey and baseball games, and parades.  They appear each December in the Central Park Gazebo, singing a variety of traditional holiday carols. 

 Performing with the Johnstown Symphony Orchestra is a highlight of each child’s Inclined to Sing experience.  Over the past 20 seasons the children have been on stage with the JSO for holiday concerts, performances of Orff’s Carmina Burana,  Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, and the film night concert.  Maestro James Blachly has fostered increased collaboration between Inclined to Sing and the JSO, recognizing the impact their shared performances have on both audiences and the singers’ lives.   

This year included plans to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Inclined to Sing with enhanced performances and a special fall concert.  Though their 2020 schedule was suspended, the group hopes to return to making music in their 21st season.  

Hired in August 2021, Valerie Galczynski is a veteran music-educator with over thirty years of experience in the Cambria Heights school district. She brings a commitment to excellence, teamwork and giving back to the community.